
Sunday, August 21, 2011

First Week

We began our first week this past week.  I have 23 students this year, and so far it looks like one of the best classes I've have!  I was pleasantly surprised at all of the school supplies that were brought in.  My group last year didn't bring much, and I had to supplement a lot. We've had a busy week, and here is our schedule breakdown.

Day 1-
Started the day with a word search using the student's names for morning work.  This gave me time to greet each student, take attendance, and deal with my first parent issue of the year.

Next came the introductions, of myself, as well as the paras and resource teachers that will be in and out throughout the year.  We went over expectations, and collected the school supplies.

We had our first special class of the year and had to practice lining up.  I am extremely picky with my line and hallway behavior.  I use number order for everything- and number order is quite different than ABC order.  I talk with our specials team and our 4th grade team to separate out the kids who shouldn't be by each other.  I end up with a line order that helps minimize issues in the hallway, or during assemblies.  The kids think it is a random or, but nothing about it is random.

We came back from PE to a math lesson- yes a lesson on the first day.  They have to understand that my room is all about learning and we start on day one.

Lunch and recess follow math, then the afternoon starts with reading- another lesson?  You bet!  Mind you my lessons day one aren't meant to be hard, but we have to start sometime.  I do have a lot of procedures and practice thrown in.  We spend the afternoon reading, learning vocabulary, practicing procedures, and before I know it, it's time to leave!

Whew!  The whole week flew by in much the same fashion.  Maybe it's me, but my body and mind forgot how exhausting the first week can be!!  Getting back into routine with waking up and going to bed, being "on" all day, and having 23 little people around...let's just say there is a reason there wasn't a blog post this week, and I needed this weekend to recover.

Here's wishing all of you a fabulous school year!  I truly think mine will be one of the best yet :)

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